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Jenita Pushpa

Why Did You Do It, Giant?

Shattered house by a natural calamity

The most melancholic question with an answer which can't satisfy anyone is 'Why'. My poem is filled with questions alone, questioning 'giant' for the disaster happened recently.

Did you wake from your deep slumber, giant?

Did you raise from the sand, giant?

Why did you make your wake a big deal, giant?

Why did you shake the earth so violently?

Why did you disturb those who sleep in the early hours?

Why did you make them to sleep forever?

Didn't you know about their dreams?

Didn't you care about their life?

Why did you raise to make them fall?

Did anybody notice you, giant?

Did anybody chide you for your awake?

How could they?

Why did you alter their life in a second?

Didn't you hear the deep wail, giant?

Why did you do it, giant?

Could you give answers to the questions?

Would your apologetic answers soothe anyone?

Or would your concerning reply give back their life once again for them to start anew?

D. Jenita Pushpa

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