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Jenita Pushpa

Ecstasy of Book Fair

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

Red light board shows the word books, in all capital letter.

Book fair is one of the best places to go, even though one is not a reader. Yup! It's really an amazing feeling to see all the pile of books everywhere, and the different kind of people. "Ecstasy of Book Fair" is the voice of the book fair, written in first person, share its experience about its new life.

Have a great read!

Now, let's move into the " Ecstasy of Book Fair"

I'm different now,

Resting from the normal mundane activities of people's footsteps on me.

I'm decorated for a festival- a book festival.

I'm adorned with tons of books.

The aroma within me is different too,

I smell of books these days!

I enjoy the way people come like hoard of bees buzzing over the flowers.

I'm the garden for them to take nectar of knowledge.

I observe their joyous conversation and glorious spark in their eyes when they spot

their favourite book.

Every nook and corner of me is echoed

with constant literary talks.

I'm in a state of ecstasy!

But, I know these are for few days only.

I'll be dedecorated then,

I'll be pushed into my normal life.

But, I'll store all these memories together

in me.

To make me feel alive and lively;

Till I'll be redecorated again for another


-D. Jenita Pushpa

Do share your own experience about book fair in the comment section.

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